• WASHINGTON: Travel Guide

    WASHINGTON: Travel Guide

    We visited state 2 of 50 back in April, and Washington, with it’s beautiful views, was a great place to celebrate our first wedding anniversary. We were able to do one of our favorite things – eating and drinking our way through a city! Hopefully this travel guide encourages you to plan your next vacation…

  • Father’s Day Weekend in Paradise

    Father’s Day Weekend in Paradise

    For Father’s Day weekend, we traveled to Tylertown, MS to stay at Paradise Ranch RV Resort. From renting a camper for the first time, listening to Wayne Toups, and pickle vodka shots at 10am, it was a great trip with family!

  • HAWAII: Travel Guide

    HAWAII: Travel Guide

    It’s been 2 weeks since we got back from Washington, and this Louisiana heat definitely has us missing it. Before I post about our time there, I thought it’d be best to start with our first state, the one that inspired it all…Hawaii! One of my favorite things about vacations is planning them. I love…